I recently screened the 79 minute rough cut of Moms Living Clean at the Adoption: Secret Histories, Public Policies Conference at MIT in Cambridge, MA. I was honored to be the first presenter of the conference and a day of documentary films. One might think, what is the link between mothers with addictions and adoption, but a closer look will show that adoption and foster care may be the experience for children of mothers with substance abuse issues, if they cannot stay in recovery, learn parenting skills and become self-sufficient.
The screening was well-received and a lively discussion followed. One adoptive mom told me that for her, my film was the most meaningful workshop at the conference. And I got some good feedback on how to make the film the best it can be.
This was the third bi-annual conference of ASAC, The Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture, and was attended by university professors, adoption agency professionals and the general public with a personal or professional interest in adoption. I presented my first film Unlocking the Heart of Adoption about the lifelong process of adoption for adoptees, birthparents and adoptive parents in same race and transracial adoption with illuminating historical background at their first conference in 2005 in Tampa, FL. This is a great group of people and it was wonderful to see friends and make new ones.
Everyone agreed the issues presented in the film need to be addressed now. I am excited to take the film to the next level of completion and getting the funding to make this possible. My goal is to complete Moms Living Clean by Fall 2010 for launch in 2011.